If you receive errors DW071, DW003, 1603, or “Error code 136: Unable to install the product” when attempting to reinstall Adobe Acrobat from Adobe Creative Cloud, there is a quick remedy. Some users reported that they had to delete the Acrobat file from the Program Data directory, stop the Printer Spool service, or change directory permissions. In my experience this was not required. A similar issue was posted on the Adobe Forum: https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-discussions/acrobat-dc-download-error-dw003-dw071/m-p/14182363#M435921
- If present, uninstall Adobe Acrobat and delete any Acrobat folder remaining in C:\Program Files\Adobe\
- Download the appropriate package for your OS: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/acrobat-dc-downloads.html
- Extract the files
- Run setup.exe
- Proceed through the installer prompts
- Refresh Adobe Creative Cloud

Related: My Adobe Notes