EVE-NG Networking Lab Setup

Why use EVE-NG? It’s one of the most affordable ways to emulate enterprise networking hardware. You can SSH from your favorite terminal emulator and test your configuration scripts in a sandbox.


Installing EVE-NG:

Section A: Collect the Applications

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to https://www.eve-ng.net/index.php/download/#DL-COMM
  2. Download EVE-NG OVF under Free EVE Community Edition (currently EVE-COM-5.0.1-19 )and extract all
  3. Navigate to and copy <yourDevicePathToOvf>
  4. Download Windows Client Pack https://www.eve-ng.net/index.php/download/#DL-WIN
  5. Download EVE-NG Community Edition Cookbook https://www.eve-ng.net/index.php/documentation/community-cookbook/

Section B: Instantiate the VMware Virtual Machine

  1. Start VMware and navigate to the File menu
  2. Select Open and replace the default relative directory path with the one you just copied
  3. Press enter and select the EVE-CE.ovf or Dynamips .OVA file
  4. Select a name for the virtual machine and a directory
  5. Select import
  6. Adjust the allocated RAM and drive space as desired
  7. Power on the VM

Section C: Setup EVE-NG

  1. Login to the EVE CLI
    • U: root
    • P: eve

  2. You can change the password if you want, but there’s usually no need to change the default for a lab.
  3. Update the hostname
  4. Enter the DNS domain name (you can change this later if needed)
  5. Choose DHCP
  6. Leave the NTP server blank (you can change this later if needed)
  7. Select Direct Connection

Section D: Configure SSH in VMware & Connect Via the Terminal

  1. Navigate to VMware Workstation
  2. Right click the name of your EVE-NG VM in the left Library pane
  3. Hover the mouse over configure and highlight Configure SSH
  4. Enter your user name
  5. make sure the port listed is 22
  6. Click Save
  7. Ensure that your root user is not currently logged in to the EVE-NG VM
  8. From your favorite terminal emulator software:
    • Create a connection to the IP of your EVE_NG VM
    • Use port 22
      • In SecureCRT use SSH2
    • Enter username, password, and answer in the affirmative when and where necessary

Section E: Upgrading EVE-NG

  1. Login to the EVE-NG CLI with your credentials
  2. Verify internet connectivity of your EVE-NG box by pinging Google’s DNS server at
  3. If successful, run:
    • # apt update
    • # apt upgrade

Section F: Uploading QCOW2 & QEMU Images to EVE-NG

  1. If you’re using SecureCRT you have several options (you can use several methods including WinSCP):
    • SFTP
    • or SecureFX
      • Both are nearly as easy as the other

  2. Select the EVE-NG terminal session in the Session Manager pane
  3. For SFTP:
    • Enter ALT+P
    • Use Linux commands to navigate the directories
      • e.g. cd /opt/unetlab/addons/dynamips

  4. For SecureFX
    • Enter ALT+X
    • You get a GUI similar to Filezilla‘s

  5. Let’s start with the folder locations:
    • Navigate to the appropriate folder based on the file that you’re uploading:
      • Supported images for EVE are stored in the three locations:
        • IOL (IOS on Linux): /opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin/
        • Dynamips images: /opt/unetlab/addons/dynamips
        • Qemu images: /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu

    • Drag ‘n’ drop the images that you would like uploaded to the EVE-NG VM
  6. *Qemu file naming conventions:
    • Are listed at https://www.eve-ng.net/index.php/documentation/qemu-image-namings/
    • and on Page 152 of the EVE-NG Community Cookbook
    • **Please note that both the location and the file name may need to be created or edited

Section G: Final step; logging into the web client

  1. Open a web browser and go to the URI specified in the VMware EVE-NG CLI where it states: “Use http://x.x.x.x/”
  2. Login with your credentials or try u: admin p: eve
  3. Select Native Terminal to use SecureCRT/your preferred local terminal emulator
  4. Create a new folder and a new lab
  5. Click on the newly created lab and then Open
  6. Add nodes as desired
    • If the node model is greyed out you will need to follow Section F above to add the appropriate Image to EVE-NG