Adobe Notes

(For MS Windows users)

  • Acrobat
  • Express quick actions
  • Photoshop
  • Premiere
    • Error: Scrolling text does NOT display in final exported video
      1. Select the text tool
      2. Add a text instance to the timeline
      3. Add text to the instance
      4. Adjust the length of time to display text
      5. Move playhead to the end of the text timeline instance
      6. Add a keyframe
      7. Move playhead to the beginning of the text timeline instance
      8. Click empty/blank space inside the Effect Controls Panel
      9. Click the “Roll” check box inside of the Essential Graphics panel

    • Error: Unable to add a Dissolve to a clip on the timeline
      • Try zooming in on the timeline and dropping the Dissolve closer to the edge of the clip

    • Error: No audio shown on mixer or heard from headset
      • This can be easily avoided by not changing the Mix volume until right before you export the video.
      • Solution: This can be fixed by “bouncing” the Mix track volume setting
        • Set to Mix track volume to 15 & press <Enter>
        • Then set it back to 0

    • Error: “Unsupported format or damaged file” when attempting to import .PNGs
      • Solution:
        1. While in Microsoft Windows File Explorer,
        2. Right click to rename the File
        3. Change the file extension from .PNG to .jpg
        4. Attempt to import it again

    • Error: “The file cannot be opened because of a header error.” when attempting to import an image
      • Solution:
        1. Open the image in MS paint or another program
        2. Go to “Save as”
        3. Re-save as a JPG
        4. Re-attempt import

    • Error: When importing a video: “Unsupported compression type…”
      • Solution:
        1. Re-encode using Handbrake
        2. Re-import

    • Error: Cannot copy and paste a video to the sequence
      • Solution:
        1. Select an unlock slot on the sequence
        2. Right click the video
        3. Select “insert”

    • How-to Basic:
      • Reverse video:
        1. Right-click on the video instance within the timeline
        2. Select the “Speed/Duration” option
        3. Within the window that pops up, check the box that reads “Reverse Speed.”
    • Shortcuts:
      • Adjust the height of tracks faster
        1. Hover over the track name
        2. Press and hold ALT
        3. Roll the mouse scroll wheel

      • Apply cross-dissolve transitions to multiple clips
        1. Search “diss” in Effects window
        2. Right-click the dissolve transition
        3. Set to default
        4. Highlight all relevant clips
        5. Pres CTRL+d

      • Close gaps:
        • Move every item on the right of the cursor left or right
          1. Place the playhead at the preferred endpoint
          2. Hover over the timeline and press A for the Track Selection Tool
          3. Select all of the clips that you want to move
          4. Left click one item
          5. Move the highlighted selection left or right as needed

      • Jump from media clip to media clip, left or right, within a selected track:
        • up and down arrows

    • Notes:
      • Audio layering
        • The lower track insertion point (into the upper audio track) time stamp is displayed on the lower track in red; e.g.

      • Project video resolution:
        • For new projects will be inherited from the resolution of the first image/video added to the timeline. It can be changed in the top menu bar >Sequence >Sequence Settings >Video section.