(For MS Windows users)
- Acrobat
- Error: DW071, DW003, 1603, or 136
- Solution: TL;DR: Re-install Acrobat manually
- Solution: TL;DR: Re-install Acrobat manually
- Error: DW071, DW003, 1603, or 136
- Express quick actions
- Login locally and then open the appropriate tool:
- Photoshop
- Remove a background image fast
- If you have an Adobe account and are logged in (last tested11.7.2023)
- You can go to the following link:
- Drag ‘n’ drop your image.
- And the background will automatically be removed.
- Manually remove background with different foreground color
- Remove a background image fast
- Premiere
- Error: Scrolling text does NOT display in final exported video
- Select the text tool
- Add a text instance to the timeline
- Add text to the instance
- Adjust the length of time to display text
- Move playhead to the end of the text timeline instance
- Add a keyframe
- Move playhead to the beginning of the text timeline instance
- Click empty/blank space inside the Effect Controls Panel
- Click the “Roll” check box inside of the Essential Graphics panel
- Error: Unable to add a Dissolve to a clip on the timeline
- Try zooming in on the timeline and dropping the Dissolve closer to the edge of the clip
- Try zooming in on the timeline and dropping the Dissolve closer to the edge of the clip
- Error: No audio shown on mixer or heard from headset
- This can be easily avoided by not changing the Mix volume until right before you export the video.
- Solution: This can be fixed by “bouncing” the Mix track volume setting
- Set to Mix track volume to 15 & press <Enter>
- Then set it back to 0
- Error: “Unsupported format or damaged file” when attempting to import .PNGs
- Solution:
- While in Microsoft Windows File Explorer,
- Right click to rename the File
- Change the file extension from .PNG to .jpg
- Attempt to import it again
- Solution:
- Error: “The file cannot be opened because of a header error.” when attempting to import an image
- Solution:
- Open the image in MS paint or another program
- Go to “Save as”
- Re-save as a JPG
- Re-attempt import
- Solution:
- Error: When importing a video: “Unsupported compression type…”
- Solution:
- Re-encode using Handbrake
- Re-import
- Solution:
- Error: Cannot copy and paste a video to the sequence
- Solution:
- Select an unlock slot on the sequence
- Right click the video
- Select “insert”
- Solution:
- How-to Basic:
- Reverse video:
- Right-click on the video instance within the timeline
- Select the “Speed/Duration” option
- Within the window that pops up, check the box that reads “Reverse Speed.”
- Reverse video:
- Shortcuts:
- Adjust the height of tracks faster
- Hover over the track name
- Press and hold ALT
- Roll the mouse scroll wheel
- Apply cross-dissolve transitions to multiple clips
- Search “diss” in Effects window
- Right-click the dissolve transition
- Set to default
- Highlight all relevant clips
- Pres CTRL+d
- Close gaps:
- Move every item on the right of the cursor left or right
- Place the playhead at the preferred endpoint
- Hover over the timeline and press A for the Track Selection Tool
- Select all of the clips that you want to move
- Left click one item
- Move the highlighted selection left or right as needed
- Move every item on the right of the cursor left or right
- Jump from media clip to media clip, left or right, within a selected track:
- up and down arrows
- up and down arrows
- Adjust the height of tracks faster
- Notes:
- Audio layering
- The lower track insertion point (into the upper audio track) time stamp is displayed on the lower track in red; e.g.
- The lower track insertion point (into the upper audio track) time stamp is displayed on the lower track in red; e.g.
- Project video resolution:
- For new projects will be inherited from the resolution of the first image/video added to the timeline. It can be changed in the top menu bar >Sequence >Sequence Settings >Video section.
- For new projects will be inherited from the resolution of the first image/video added to the timeline. It can be changed in the top menu bar >Sequence >Sequence Settings >Video section.
- Audio layering
- Error: Scrolling text does NOT display in final exported video
- General Resources:
- Quick actions:
- Masking